123 Greetings |
Generally, the use of e-cards to send greeting cards to friends and family, you'll love this new twist. Just like many other Web e-card site, with messages and images to your own custom card design. However, an actual paper card as an electronic mail through an e-mail to send to send special greeting cards are now Web sites. And their e-mail cards, paper cards, love to get out. Here's how to do this: Make a selection greeting card design.Card, the images stimulate the senses, so choose the card that meets from time to time. These pictures of the cards will get you a nice change from regular cartoons.
Create the greeting. Click the Customize button and the front door, you write the greeting can be a center of design. The "Happy Birthday Mom", "Congratulations, son," or some such greeting is the message. Add a message inside. This is an opportunity for buyers to add some friendly words.If you do not have others to find the appropriate verse or greeting may be surfing the web.
Add a picture. A great new feature is the ability to add your own image. If you or your family portrait or if there is something interesting, you can install the card and add a picture file.Add a signature. If you want to personalize the card to be more, you can download a scanned image of signature. Of course, you have to sign a scan on your browser or is it to take you on an electronic or office supply store. I personally signed card is inserted in time, looks like this! Send a card. Satisfied with a card, simply enter the recipient's name and address, and then printed and shipped to paper cards. Now the world's easiest and best electronic design and beautiful paper card.
Create the greeting. Click the Customize button and the front door, you write the greeting can be a center of design. The "Happy Birthday Mom", "Congratulations, son," or some such greeting is the message. Add a message inside. This is an opportunity for buyers to add some friendly words.If you do not have others to find the appropriate verse or greeting may be surfing the web.
Add a picture. A great new feature is the ability to add your own image. If you or your family portrait or if there is something interesting, you can install the card and add a picture file.Add a signature. If you want to personalize the card to be more, you can download a scanned image of signature. Of course, you have to sign a scan on your browser or is it to take you on an electronic or office supply store. I personally signed card is inserted in time, looks like this! Send a card. Satisfied with a card, simply enter the recipient's name and address, and then printed and shipped to paper cards. Now the world's easiest and best electronic design and beautiful paper card.